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Friday, August 31, 2012

How to Add a PayPal Form to Facebook

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You can effectively add a PayPal form to your Facebook page in a few steps. The process requires that you already have a PayPal account and Facebook page for yourself, business or product. You first obtain the necessary PayPal code and then create a new Facebook tab with the FBML application, which adds advanced functionality by employing the Facebook Markup Language. This Facebook-specific language allows you to insert HTML code on your page.

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Generate PayPal Code

Step 1

Sign into your PayPal account and click the "Merchant Services" tab.

Step 2

Go to the left side of the page and click the "Buy Now" link from the Create Buttons section.

Step 3

Complete the requested information on the Create PayPal Payment Button page. You need to name the item, which can be anything like "Donation," "Contribution" or the name of your service. Also designate the price, currency and other values.

Step 4

Click "Create Button" at the bottom of the page when finished updating the button settings and values.

Step 5

Click the "Select Code" button to highlight the code. Press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys on your keyboard.

Step 6

Open a text editor on your computer and paste the code into the program by pressing "Ctrl" and "V."

Create the Facebook Page

Step 1

Sign into your Facebook account and go to your Facebook page.

Step 2

Click "Edit Page" on the left side.

Step 3

Look for the Static FBML application. If you do not see it, click the "Browse More" link from the More Applications section.

Step 4

Go to the Static FBML application and click the "Add to My Page" link from the left side.

Step 5

Click the "Add to Page" button after the pop-up box appears. The Edit FBML page should appear.

Step 6

Go to the text editor and copy the PayPal code you saved earlier.

Step 7

Paste the code into the large FBML text section.

Step 8

Type the title for the tab in the Box Title field. Click the "Save Changes" button when finished.

One click install to access blocked websites from work or school


  • Add other HTML code after pasting the PayPal code into the Static FBML box. You can stylize the layout to your preferences.
  • Add text and pictures to the Static FBML box to encourage visitors to donate, contribute or buy your product.

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