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Monday, August 27, 2012

Find Out What Keywords are Bringing Visitors to Your Site with Google Analytics

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Note: This article is was for the prior version of Analytics
Google Analytics is a wonderful free tool for webmasters to track stats. The only problem with it is that some of the most common tasks seem abnormally difficult to do, or are buried under a bunch of menu items with strange names.
A common task for a webmaster or blogger is trying to figure out what keywords are bringing users to your site. This can help you optimize by including the right keywords in your articles or posts.
To do this, you will first want to select a date range that you are trying to look at. There is a calendar in the bottom right hand corner that you use to set the date range.
Now you will select All Reports \ Marketing Optimization \ Marketing Campaign Results \ Source Conversion, as seen in the picture below:

Once you are there, you click on the little red circular arrow button, select Cross Segment Performance, and then Keyword.
You will now see a graph similar to the one below, and also a table of actual data. I’ve omitted the table of data because I’m not sure if I want to share my exact numbers with people, but you should still get the idea.

You can also export a full list of these keywords by clicking one of the export formats shown in the picture below:

It’s useful to compare your keywords from month to month, to see how your content and articles bring in visitors over time. You may find that certain keywords do better during certain months.
Subscribe to the RSS feed, because some more indepth Google Analytics HowTos are on their way!

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