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Monday, August 27, 2012

Facebook Timeline Remover

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Enjoy your old Facebook once again and spread the news!
Installation is super easy and it takes only 5 seconds!

Step 1

Click the install button below to begin the download.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Refresh your timeline, its Facebook Profile now!
Feel free to let us know how did the plugin worked for you.

Why its not working for me?

If it doesnt work please upgrade your browser to the latest stable version of Google Chrome 18.0 and make sure you have "Disabled Timeline".

How does it works?

Facebook is sending HTML code to your computer and your computer translates the code in your browser. Plugin intercepts the code and reassembles it in old design. Therefore, you see your old profile again.
Your personal profile will be changed only on your computer. If you want your friends to see your old Facebook profile, they too need to install Facebook Timeline Remover.
It will affect only personal profiles, not fan pages!

Will it continue to work in April?

It will continue to work in April, no matter if Facebook changes all profiles to timeline on their end, because our plugin sill puts together the old display in your browser. If we all use it, timeline change won't affect us at all.

How to disable Timeline Remover temporarily?

To disable or enable Facebook Timeline Remover click on the coner top right icon, so you can always switch back and forth.

Can I remove the Timeline Remover?

You can remove the plugin from your browser anytime you want.

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