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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Windows 8 Free Download

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Windows 8 is the codename for the upcoming version of Microsoft Windows that follows, it is a bold shift from Windows 7 and represents Microsoft’s new direction. but now Windows 8 is under development, We don’t know when the windows 8 will be released, but we can experience the Windows 8 beta version, to feel and outlook the next-generation Microsoft Windows System:Windows 8, Here we will share the lastest Windows 8 download, you can downlaod it free:.
Windows 8 MSDN Version Download (100% ): (August, 17)
On August 15, Microsoft Releases Windows 8 RTM to MSDN and TechNet Subscribers , and We can get the GENUINE MSDN Windows 8 now, the following ISO file we provide all from MSDN Subscriber, 100% original. Smile
We has provided the Sha1 Value of each file, you also can see the ISO information on Microsoft MSDN site: Check Here, After you download the Windows 8, you can verify whether the file is original.

Windows 8 Core / professional MSDN Version Download:

This file contains multiple products. Please refer to your product keys to determine which products are included with your subscription.
32 bit:
Check Here
SHA1: 22D680EC53336BEE8A5B276A972CEBA104787F62
64 Bit: Check Here
SHA1: 1CE53AD5F60419CF04A715CF3233F247E48BEEC4
English-United Kingdom: 32 bit: Check Here
SHA1: 7EAD7DA86426F554C41849B750BF29C74B9B3D5D
64 Bit: Check Here
SHA1: 79ED9958CF1690DD8A60A0B1B15F5DCC76C8E625
Product Key: Check Here (The key only can be used to install the Windows 8)

Windows 8 Enterprise MSDN 90 days trial Version: (English)

32 Bit (x86): http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com//dl/download/5/3/C/53C31ED0-886C-4F81-9A38-F58CE4CE71E8/9200.16384.WIN8_RTM.120725-1247_X86FRE_ENTERPRISE_EVAL_EN-US-HRM_CENA_X86FREE_EN-US_DV5.ISO?lcid=1033
64 Bit (x64): http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com//dl/download/5/3/C/53C31ED0-886C-4F81-9A38-F58CE4CE71E8/9200.16384.WIN8_RTM.120725-1247_X64FRE_ENTERPRISE_EVAL_EN-US-HRM_CENA_X64FREE_EN-US_DV5.ISO?lcid=1033

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